An Important Announcement on In-Person Worship

In-person worship will resume Sunday, February 21, 2021. Please read the information on this page to understand guidelines for worship participation.

Worship Reopening

Our Sunday worship services are currently open to 152 attenders (including volunteers, excepting paid staff), conducted in accordance with COVID-19 restrictions & guidelines. It is our goal to provide a meaningful, safe, and lawful experience for those who would come, while still maintaining a vibrant and thoughtful experience for those who would continue to worship from home using the online option. As long as COVID-19 social distancing measures are in place, we will provide an at-home worship option.

How Will Worship Be Different?

  • A required check-in process at the designated facility entrance(s)
  • Masks on throughout the service, with the exception of one speaker at the front of the gathering
  • Music is allowed per requirements
  • On the first Sunday of the month, communion will be administered from the table, but elements will not be served and consumed in the building
  • Tithes and offerings given will be placed in a basket on the way out of the sanctuary, but no passing of offering plates
  • No social gathering after worship

Before coming to worship in person, please review the following documents:

COVID-19 Sunday Worship Guidelines

COVID-19 Screening Form and Video Release

COVID-19 Facility Use Guidelines - “North Creek Presbyterian Church COVID-19 Exposure Control, Mitigation, and Recovery Plan”

Church Sanctuary Air Quality Improvements

For the safety and health of our worshippers, we have installed in our sanctuary an advanced air purifying/neutralizing system, like those being used in hospitals and schools. This system eliminates airborne bacteria, mold, and viruses. It eliminates 99% of sneeze germs within 3 feet, and even eliminates 99% of viruses on surfaces.

Requirements for Attending Worship

You must answer no to the following to attended worship: 

1.Have you had a fever in the last 5 days of 100 degrees or above?

2.Have you had a cough in the last 5 days?

3.Have you had a sore throat in the last 5 days?

4.Do you feel any tightness or heaviness in your chest?

5.Has someone in your home been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

6.Have you been around anyone who has been sick in the last 14 days?

7.Have you been around anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

8.Have you traveled out of state in the last 14 days?

9.Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days?

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell

Attending Worship at NCPC