Confirmation Starts Soon!

This Year's Theme


An Adventure of Faith Awaits

Teenagers are emerging adults, in the process of becoming who God created them to be as they mature physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

In the church we believe this so much that we have a tradition called Confirmation to help students grow into adult-level faith.  North Creek is one of the many churches who have a Confirmation program for youth.  Our tradition is to offer it to students in grades 6-8, and any high school students who have not yet participated in the program.

The experience is three-months long, from January to March.  There will be weekly classes on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM at the church in the Youth Room.

It all starts with a YOUTH & PARENTS ORIENTATION BREAKFAST at 9am on Sunday January 12.

This webpage will be active throughout the process, with updates and class resources, as well as recordings of presentations.

Check Out This Year's Promotional Flyer

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Sign up today!  

(Register by Wednesday, December 11)

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