The Adult Education program at North Creek Church provides a unique opportunity to learn about the teachings and messages of the Bible alongside other members of our church community. Our goal is to deepen our understanding of Jesus and God's mission in the world. This ministry supports growth in Christian education, fosters connections within the community, and provides a space for meaningful conversations about faith, values, and life's important questions.

Exploring Biblical Corinth

Adult Bible Class
Sundays 9 am, in the Fellowship Hall
September 15 - October 13
(No Registration Required)

As a thriving city at the crossroads of international trade, Corinth’s cosmopolitan culture offered a unique and challenging setting for the planting of a Christian church. The Apostle Paul spent a year and a half there in “business-as-ministry” as a maker of tents, and after moving on made a return trip a few years later. He frequently corresponded with the church there through letters, two of which are preserved in our Bibles today. Through recent photographs, museum exhibits, and archeological insights, we’ll explore the culture of Corinth and discover connections between our world and theirs, highlighting the relevance of Paul’s Corinthian correspondence for 21st century disciples. 

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This follow-up helped enrich our life together as we learned biblical principles to help us develop mature, loving relationships.  Click "GO" for more information or to view course videos.



Emotionally Healthy Spirituality helps guide churches toward emotional health and contemplative spirituality.  Revisit the lessons today.




Exploring God's Heart for Justice

Our Call to Live in God's Just Way

This seven-week study was developed in Fall 2020, and helped our congregation engage the issue of racial justice.