Our Response to Ukraine

The session of NCPC, with guidance from our mission strategy team, encourages all members and friends to participate in our coordinated response to the crisis in Ukraine.  On this page you will find resources to help you give and pray, as well as alerts about events and happenings. 

Click on the link below to view a powerful 10-minute YouTube documentary of Christian relief work among Ukrainian refugees.  This comes to us from ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelization).

Ukrainian Refugee Relief Video

How to Help

As people of Christian faith, we stand in the gap and pray for the people of Ukraine.  As people of Christ-like compassion, we find tangible ways to lend financial support to those impacted by war.  Listed below are ways to be involved in the effort.


Every day you are encouraged to set aside time to pray for peace, safety, and the restoration of Ukraine.

Each Sunday after worship, a prayer meeting for Ukraine will be hosted in the Fireside Room.

Links to Prayer Guides: (coming soon)


You may give an offering to NCPC and designate it to go to Ukraine (by check or online).  Our mission strategy team will direct these funds to pressing needs through trusted mission partners.

You may direct your giving to the following trusted mission organizations:

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance:

For information, go to https://pda.pcusa.org/situation/ukraine/

To give, go to www.pcusa.org/UK22

EVENT - Weekly Prayer for Ukraine

Every Thursday, 7:00 PM at Spring of Life Church in Mukilteo.

(4711 116th ST SW, Mukilteo, WA)

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